We created this beauty to demonstrate our services, excite partners, show colors that only screen printing can get, and make a killer poster.
This poster design was mainly influenced by the album titled Brothers. The Black Keys overall sound consists of blues powered and psychedelic grazed grit that has kept rock alive in today’s world. The Black Keys dive deep into their Southern influences with their music – Robert Johnson, Johnny Burnette and more. With this project, we wanted to use that same influence, but incorporate our own modern take on the aesthetic. With this in mind, we wanted to include hints of southern blues with an Art Deco infusion.
Our main influences for this project, artistically, would be Aaron Horkey and Richey Beckett. Both of these poster illustrators have such ornate detail and methods to their linework and compositions. We hope you enjoy the art!
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In the bustling landscape of the coffee industry, where brands vie for...
Transcend the price race to the bottom and stop trying to compete.